Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are you ready for 9 x the fat loss in half the time?

Seriously. If you want to quit doing cardio penance, then this is for you.

There was a study done at the japan institute of sport and fitness comparing steady state cardio work versus high intensity intervals. These have come to be known as Tabata's after the researcher heading this up.

The plan is simple. Four minute rounds, alternating between :20 Hard, :10 easy, and taking a minute rest in between them. Three to five rounds should suffice for most people, six or seven or seven if you're really fit and ambitious.

Preferred methods

Air dyne (air resisted) stationary bike
Body weight/DB exercises (IE Squats and push ups, combined squat + shoulder press)

Not preferred:

Treadmills/Elliptical/Etc -these take too long to change resistance/intensity and the elliptical in particular may not provide enough intensity

The key principles are to work hard and transition quickly between working hard and resting.

If this is 9 x more effective, why don't more people train like this? Because it's hard.

Try this the next time you work out.

Or, if you want to work out with a group and have someone else design the workout and coach it up for you, then stop by and check out my bootcamp classes.

6:30AM M/W/F at Aikido of Cincinnati near the corner of Redbank and Madison.

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