Wednesday, May 26, 2010

June 2010 Workout

Hey guys,

Technology has been giving me fits lately, so I've reactivated my blogger account. If someone out there knows something about iWeb, then I'd be glad to learn how to use it more effectively. Until then, I'll be posting to this blog.

Here's the June 2010 Workout that I promised last Saturday.

Perform the first round three times through, taking no more than 30 seconds rest between exercises. After you go through that three times, take an extra minute or so, and move onto the second group of exercises. Do that three times through as well.

When doing single sided exercises, just switch from right to left and wait until you've completed both sides before resting.

Round One:
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (1L RDL) x 10-15 per side
Push Up Plus x 10 - 20 (if you can do 20, then move to a more challenging variation)
DB Front Squats x 15 - 25

Round Two:
Side Plank w/ rotation (holding 1 DB) x 10 - 15 per side
Split Squats x 10 - 15 per side
DB One Arm Rows (three points of support) x 10 - 15 per side

If this is too easy, then go for heavier weights, more challenging variations, and take less rest between exercises. This isn't "Spa Pilates". You should break a sweat and your heart rate should be flying. If not, then ramp it up!

Have fun with this one and let me know how it goes.


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