Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is your gut telling you something?

No, not that gut.

Your intuition, your gut feelings.

Years ago I started feeling really uneasy going to the gym. I didn't know any better, but I kept going, and pushing myself through workouts I didn't like in an environment I didn't like and I paid for it by running myself down pretty badly. (This was in addition to going to school, working 20 hours a week, and trying to do everything else in between on 6 hours of sleep a night.)

I paid for it by continuing that habit of not listening to my gut, just telling myself to "cowboy up" and ignore that voice, and going to work at a place that sucked the life out of me. The examples abound, and I'm determined not to let that trend continue.

This summer I stopped training at the gym where I worked. It has all the cool toys, but I couldn't make myself be there any more than I absolutely had to. Instead, I bought a few kettlebells and a few weights and worked out in my driveway or at a soccer field. If something or someplace felt "off" I paid attention to that and made changes accordingly.

I still wanted to train hard, but I had to find a different environment.

Maybe you can relate to that.

One place that has always felt like a great training environment is Aikido of Cincinnati (pictured below), and I am extremely grateful to be able to teach classes there in the morning.

Doesn't the dojo kind of look like the training program from The Matrix?

If you want to work hard and get out of the gym, if you want to get in a workout that gets you results in half the time of traditional training, then stop by and check out my classes.

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