Thursday, December 10, 2009

How much willpower do you have?

A lot of people tend to think that trainers are this weird group of people who like nothing better than to spend all their free time in the gym.

I've got news for you. That's often the case.

But, I'm not most trainers.

Like most everyone else, I have people I want to keep up with, things I want to do, and on top of that I like going out and doing physical stuff like playing sports or taking classes at aikido. Which means I'm pressed for time, and I don't want to spend my days too sore to move. (That will be the subject for another post)

The last few weeks have seen a few changes to my schedule and I've been struggling to consistently get in three quality days of resistance training. Not every day has to be super hard, but I have to balance the demands of my schedule, along with saving energy so that I can have a good aikido class later on.

The point is to find times and environments that work well, so it doesn't feel like you're beating your head against a wall every time you work out. Take steps ahead of time (IE eating, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep) so that when you do have a good time slot, you can get in a good training session and not have it feel like it's a job.

For the last few weeks I've worked out in the afternoon on Fridays and it's killed me. I drag through it, I feel mentally run down, and then later it takes a lot to get me out of the house. So I'm making a couple of changes. I'm making sure that I'm hydrated and that I've had enough to eat that morning so that I can knock it out at 11AM. (I start early and that's my first break in the day) It's just that simple.

Maybe for you that means recording your shows and going to bed at 10PM so that you can get in a training session before work. Or mixing up your routine. Or trying a new class. Like the ones I teach. :) (Hey, I had to throw in a promotion somewhere!)
The point is that every workout shouldn't be overly taxing on your will power. You only have so much of it.

You know what works and what doesn't, and hopefully I've sparked some ideas for you.


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